集团积极参与国家“一带一路”建设,与埃及 ACC 中阿经济文化联合会和阿曼苏丹国工业总署签署战略合作协议;与埃及、沙特阿拉伯、印度尼西亚、刚果民主共和国、阿联酋、尼日利亚、塞内加尔和加勒比地区等30余个国家的驻外领使馆、涉外机构、行业商会建立合作平台,与众多国际合作伙伴建立长期稳固合作关系。如集团与阿曼苏丹国工业总署签订战略合作,在中国设立阿曼苏丹国工业总署中国合作中心,双方在各自国家互为对方提供贸易、商务、咨询等相关服务,开创了阿曼苏丹国与中国企业直接合作的先河。
The group has initiated the establishment of the 2030 International Innovation Cooperation Center, which will unite 20 countries and regions and 30 future enterprises before 2030, focusing on close cooperation in key areas such as international investment, marine fisheries, new energy, and new trade, and jointly creating a global community of cultural exchange, resource sharing, and service integration. Ms. Shi Lijuan, Chairman of the Group, sincerely invites domestic and foreign merchants to negotiate cooperation, work together for development, and achieve a win-win future.